I’m a creative writer and technical writer enjoying a full-time nomad life in the United States and beyond. I write use case documentation by day and contemporary short stories, young adult novels, and essays by night. In between, I’m logging miles in my running shoes or hiking boots, pushing myself to higher elevations and ever longer distances. Please enjoy the blog using the links at the top of the page, or click the links below for more of my work.

My Nomad Life

Virtually in America (October 2020 – Current)

Short Stories

Hitchhiker (Discretionary Love, October 9, 2022)

Still Love (Adelaide Literary Magazine, August 2020, Year 5, Number 39)

The Road to Gold Ridge (The Metaworker Literary Journal, July 2020)

International Arrival (Lowestoft Chronicle, March 2020, Issue 41)

Flash Fiction

Sticky Singles (Writers Resist, September 2022)

The Other Side (MSU Library Short Edition, Recovery theme, June 2022)


The First of the Month (101 Words, August 10, 2022)

Duty to Protect (Microfiction Monday, May 2022, 136th Edition)

Even Though They Lick the Floor (Print only in Blink Ink, February 2022, Issue 47) Pushcart Nominee

Creative Non-Fiction

Thirty-Six Hours In A Remote Corner Of Texas (The Courtship of Winds, Summer 2021)

Live Storytelling

Flora vs Fauna (May 2019)

Human vs Mouse (January 2019)

The Boy and the Bridge (May 2016)

Professional Talks

Winning Over Coworkers, Collaborators, and Customers to a New Knowledge Experience (Write the Docs, May 2023)