A Man, A Plan, A Canal – Panama

If you're a word nerd like me, my palindromic title will be familiar to you. The man referred to is Teddy Roosevelt, who said in a 1911 speech at UC Berkeley: The Panama Canal I naturally take special interest in because I started it. ... But the Panama Canal would not have been started if … Continue reading A Man, A Plan, A Canal – Panama

Un Poquito de Todo (Argentina)

The Totally Random Let's kick off this post with random observations I've had while in Argentina. People here love to clap. Put a few Argentinians together in a group and they will find something to applaud. I appreciate being somewhere air conditioning is used to a normal level and not to turn indoors into winter. … Continue reading Un Poquito de Todo (Argentina)

Sanctuary 2.0: Why Would I Ever Leave?

I almost bought a condo this month. Almost. It was 95 percent perfect, but aside from having a deck that faced a busy parkway instead of the mountains, it was also $8,000 over the max I wanted to pay. That really only adds about $50/month to my mortgage payment, so I was willing to go … Continue reading Sanctuary 2.0: Why Would I Ever Leave?


While You Are There: Your on-board experiences will vary widely, but whether you are living it up in a private cabin on a ship with plenty of booze and entertainment, or crammed in a cold and leaky vessel with a bunch of local fisherman, enjoy it! It's not your everyday experience. It's part of being … Continue reading Ferries!